A syntax option (function types versus arrays)

Stefan Schulz schulz at the-loom.de
Thu Mar 11 13:59:42 PST 2010

On 11.03.2010 19:01, Joshua Bloch wrote:
> My two cents:
> #<  #<  R() throws E>( #<  R( A ) throws E>, A )>  curry =
>      new #<  #<R() throws E>( #<  R( A ) throws E>  l, A a )>( l.( a ) );
 > (..)
> I do think it makes sense to explore new syntax proposals, but I'm not sure
> I like this one better than the one that's currently on the table.

Adding another two cents. The use of hash plus angle brackets plus round 
parens gives quite some noise. I imagine adding some parameterized types 
in such a definition ...

I scanned the list and noted down the syntax proposals we have so far 
(order of appearance on the list) using a simplyfied notation (ignoring 
optional definitions). I also added a curry-example to each of them, 
which I hopefully got right.


1) Straw-man, latest
   # ResultType ( TypeList ) ( throws ExceptionList )
   ##R()(throws E) (#R(A)(throws E), A) curry = ...

2) Peter Levart, 26 Jan 2010
   # ( TypeList : ResultType throws ExceptionList )
   #( #(A: R throws E), A: #(: R throws E) ) curry = ...
3) John Rose, 26 Jan 2010 ff
   ( TypeList ) throws PipedExceptionList -> ResultType
   ((A) throws E -> R, A) -> () throws E -> R curry = ...

4) Neal Gafter, 27 Jan 2010
   # ( TypeList -> ResultType throws ExceptionList )
   #(#(A -> R throws E), A) -> #( -> R throws E)) curry = ...

5) Stefan Schulz, 31 Jan 2010
   [ ResultType ( TypeList ) throws ExceptionList ]
   [[R() throws E]([R(A) throws E], A) curry = ...

6) Remi Forax, 09 Feb 2010
   TypeList throws ExceptionList -> ResultType
   (plus additional parens rules)
   (A throws E -> R), A -> (throws E -> R) curry = ...

7) Peter Levart, 9 Feb 2010
   ReturnType  # ( TypeList ) throws ExceptionList
   R #() throws E #(R #(A) throws E, A) curry = ...
8) Stefan Schulz, 16 Feb 2010
   (: TypeList -> ResultType throws ExceptionList )
   (: (: A -> R throws E ), A -> (: -> R throws E) ) curry = ...
9) Neal Gafter, 26 Feb 2010
   ( TypeList throws ExceptionList ) -> ResultType
   ( (A throws E) -> R, A ) -> (throws E) -> R curry = ...
10) BGGA
   { TypeList => ResultType throws ExceptionList }
   { {A => R throws E}, A => { => R throws E} } curry = ...

11) FCM
   # ( ResultType ( TypeList ) throws ExceptionList )
   #( #(R() throws E) ( #(R(A) throws E), A ) ) curry = ...

12) FCM Alternate
   # ( TypeList return ResultType throws ExceptionList )
   #( #(A return R throws E), A return #(return R throws E)) curry = ...

13) Howard Lovatt, 11 Mar 2010
   # < ResultType ( TypeList ) throws ExceptionList >
   #< #< R() throws E >( #< R( A ) throws E >, A ) > curry = ...

14) Gernot Neppert, 11 Mar 2010
   lambda < ReturnType , TypeList , throws ExceptionList >
   lambda<lambda<R, throws E>, lambda<R, A, throws E>, A> curry = ...

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