Summary: Lambda syntax

Stefan Schulz schulz at
Fri Mar 19 07:40:15 PDT 2010

Am 19.03.2010 13:54, schrieb Alex Blewitt:
> R() throws E (R(A) throws E, A)
> I interpreted that as having two comma separated exceptions, but if that
> isn't the intent then the mistake is mine.

It's the same example like in the other proposals having two parameters, 
one being a function type the other being A. But I think that many Java 
developers might be confused by this kind of syntax, especially, if A is 
an Exception-type as well.

> The use of "new" isn't a syntax issue; it's a semantic error in the
> laguage.

Ok, now I got it. I'll leave it in, as it still is a proposal from this 
list and one could possibly substitute "new" with some other keyword to 
make it proper (e.g. using "const" defining its meaning to be 
"construct" ;)).


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