Translation Using asSam() and LINQ for Java
Rémi Forax
forax at
Sat May 29 06:17:06 PDT 2010
As far as I know the JCP runs Java.
Oracle is a database company,
so the problem can be seen in the opposite way, instead of transforming
a lambda to tree why not serializing the lambda to
be directly available to the database.
Le 29/05/2010 09:16, Ming-Yee Iu a écrit :
>> Please forgive my ignorance, but isn't LINQ a purely compile-time
>> transformation?
>> Alessio
> Yes, LINQ, as implemented by Microsoft, is a purely compile-time
> transformation. Although Oracle now directs Java, it will probably
> take a long, long time for compiler support for database queries to be
> added to Java, if ever.
> So the most practical way to add support LINQ-style queries to Java
> within the next 5 years would be through classloader tricks or other
> bytecode rewriting techniques. Unfortunately, using asSam() for lambda
> expressions causes problems for this bytecode rewriting.
> These are the particular problems that I can see right now:
> Consider the query
> final String parameter = "UK";
> Collection results = database.getAccounts().where(
> #(Account a) a.getCountry().equals(parameter));
> in which the where() method is declared with a signature like
> <U> public ResultSet<U> where(WhereRestriction<U>)
> and in which the where() method is expected to generate the database query
> SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Country = ?
> 1. During bytecode analysis, it's not possible to determine which code
> to analyze. When translating using inner classes, the bytecode
> analyzer in the classloader can simply look for classes that implement
> the WhereRestriction interface. When asSam() is used, it is hard to
> determine that a particular method is intended to be used in a query
> since the conversion of a method to a WhereRestriction is done at
> runtime.
> 2. The where() method needs to crack out the query parameters from the
> lambda expression that it is given. With inner classes, the query
> parameters are stored as fields in the inner class, so the where()
> method can use reflection or bytecode rewriting to get access to these
> parameters. Using the asSam() approach, the parameters are hidden
> inside some runtime-generated opaque object.
> 3. The where() method needs to know which lambda expression it was
> given. With inner classes, the reference given to the where() method
> directly correlates to the code, so the where() can do something like
> public where(WhereRestriction w)
> if w.class is OuterClass$InnerClass then
> ...
> But with asSam(), there is no way for the where() method to know which
> lambda expression it was given because the lambda expression has been
> wrapped by a runtime-generated opaque object.
> ---
> There are probably workarounds for these issues, but the trade-off is
> much more complexity--to the point where this avenue for adding
> LINQ-style queries to Java may become infeasible.
> -Ming
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