Problem of defender methods with generic methods
Maurizio Cimadamore
maurizio.cimadamore at
Mon Nov 15 02:02:51 PST 2010
On 15/11/10 08:55, Steven Simpson wrote:
> Hi,
> On 06/11/10 04:55, Ali Ebrahimi wrote:
>> public interface CustomizedList<T> extends List<T> {
>> <A extends Comparable<? super A>> extension A max() default
>> Trait.<A>max;<============= cannot find symbol A
> What is this supposed to mean, especially to a caller? AIUI,
> CustomizedList.max will appear to the caller as a regular virtual
> method, and the caller has no knowlegde that it is somehow bound to
> Trait.max.
I think that the above signature wrong - the problems you see (i.e. the
fact that you can call max on a List<Runnable>) stems from the fact that
type-variable A and type-variable T are unrelated.
From the caller's perspective, calling max() on a List<T> should return
T - which means that the signature of max() should be something like:
public interface CustomizedList<T> extends List<T> {
extension T max() default ...
Now let's take a look at the class Trait - since what we had is similar
enough to Collections.max I think we should keep it:
public static class Trait {
public static<R extends Comparable<? super R>> R max(CustomizedList<? extends R> self) { ... }
The only bit missing is: how are the extension method and the static
Trait method linked together? The problem is they can't - at least not
now: if you try to do this:
public interface CustomizedList<T> extends List<T> {
extension T max() default Trait.<T>max()
You will get a compilation error, as T is not statically suitable for an
R whose bound is Comparable<? super R>.
On the other hand, we are talking about adding methods to perform
_comparisons_ on the contents of a collection - which seem to imply that
the collection itself must contain elements which are some subtype of
Comparable. Therefore, I think the right signature would be:
public interface CustomizedList<T extends Comparable<T>> extends List<T> {
extension T max() default Trait.<T>max()
Which would compile w/o problems (and the right semantics will be
enforced by the compiler - no new syntax required).
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