Problem of defender methods with generic methods

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Mon Nov 15 14:30:54 PST 2010

Hi Steven,

On 11/15/2010 5:46 AM, Steven Simpson wrote:
> It's more plausible, then, that the API writer would use one of the
> following options:
>    1. Just use List<? extends Comparable> in the interface, with
>       Collections.max(..) in the implementation.
>    2. As above, but with static extension methods (but still no dynamic
>       dispatch on the max call itself).
>    3. Add a List defender that imposes additional constraints on <T>, as
>       Ali Ebrahimi seems to have tried to do.

Just to clarify, for (2), do you mean adding an extension method to 
interface List<T>:

public interface List<T> {
   <A extends Comparable<? super A>>
   extension A max()
   default Collections.<A>max;

(By "no dynamic dispatch on the max call", I presume you mean a scenario 
where there is no CustomizedList<T> to override List<T>'s max.)

And furthermore not introducing CustomizedList<T>



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