capturing (or not) mutable local variables
Neal Gafter
neal at
Fri Nov 19 16:52:50 PST 2010
I for one agree with you wholeheartedly. Designing a language feature
around one particular category of use case generally results in a poor
language feature and a need for further extensions. I've written about this
phenomenon before <
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Vincent Sevel <vincent at> wrote:
> Hi Brian, I came to you yesterday at devoxx to ask about the rationale
> behind the decision to not capture mutable local variables.
> I understand that among several arguments, there is a strong one about
> preventing people from doing unsafe things. you gave the analogy of
> the kid, the fence and the pool.
> if I continue on the analogy, we could say that if the kid disguised
> himself (eg: final int[] sum = new int[1]) then you would be probably
> happy, although it did not take much to workaround your fence, and
> actually people are used to it.
> of course your fear completely disappears if the variable is of type
> anything as long as it is final. so you do not have problem with that:
> class BigGuyThatDoesnotKnowHowToSwim implements Foreachable {
> int sum = 0;
> public void do(Object elt) {
> sum += (Integer) elt;
> }
> }
> final BigGuyThatDoesnotKnowHowToSwim bigguy = new
> BigGuyThatDoesnotKnowHowToSwim();
> mylist.foreach(bigguy);
> really, from the thread safety perspective, the disguised kid and the
> bigguy are not better than the kid. asking if the guy is a kid is
> actually the wrong question. you should be asking yourself whether or
> not the guy actually knows how to swim, assuming he needs to be able
> to. because you have kids that swim better than you and me, and you
> have grown up that do not know.
> this thought leads to another one. in your example you are assuming
> that the foreach method will get into multithreaded stuff. myself, I
> did not expect it to be. but if that is the case, truly we want to be
> careful about it. but should I assume that any method that accepts a
> block can get into MT? and should I design around that assumption? the
> basic problem is that you can't figure out what a pool is. so you are
> saying there are pools out there, let's protect anything that is
> accessible by kids. so you will protect football fields and
> playgrounds too.
> if you are going that route I could argue you could go even further.
> if multithread safety is the issue, and I cannot rely on the designer
> to document the limitations of the api, or I cannot rely on the user
> to use the api the designer had anticipated, we are actually at risk
> on any method that accepts an argument with state.
> on that particular issue, it is not about final variables, it is about
> passing mutable state that supports the contract set by the api. If
> you had told me that your impl was using MT stuff under the cover,
> then I would have written a very different block:
> Object sync = new Object();
> int sum = 0;
> list.forEach(#{ e -> synchronized(synch) { sum += e.size(); }});
> or if I knew there was a pool I would have written a
> BigGuyThatKnowsHowToSwim.
> in conclusion your fence is not only overprotecting in cases where we
> do not need it, but actually it provides protection only in a minority
> of cases. so really what you want to do if you are not confident that
> people will read the documentation and take responsibility for their
> mistakes, you should help them make sure they thought about the issue
> when we know there is certainty about it.
> your foreach impl coud say:
> public void forEach(@Multithreaded Foreachable block) {...}
> then I would get a warning or an error as a client if I tried that:
> list.forEach(#{ e -> sum += e.size(); });
> but the error would disappear if I did:
> list.forEach(@ThreadSafe #{ e -> synchronized(synch) { sum += e.size();
> }});
> the good thing about this is compiler would still complain about the
> following, and that, in spite of having the final keyword, which is in
> no way a guarantee of thread safety:
> final int[] sum = new int[1];
> list.forEach(#{ e -> sum[0] += e.size(); });
> I believe that if you do multithread your foreach, you will have not
> more (or less for that matter) problems with or without capturing
> mutable variables. because people will write blocks of code that do
> not access local variables, but still manipulate pojos in a non thread
> safe way.
> for that matter, you should probably name your loop method forEachMT.
> as a final point I would say that the issue is not about mutable
> variables, it is about carrying clearly the contract constraints to
> the user of the api. if the spec stays that way, I am hoping that this
> is not based on the pool paradigm. in the jdk we should learn more
> from dynamic languages about trust and responsibility taking.
> regards.
> vincent
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