capturing (or not) mutable local variables

Jesse Sightler jesse.sightler at
Tue Nov 23 06:47:55 PST 2010

It's simple... there's a feeling out there that java can no longer move
forward because the language cannot change due to controversy.

If the modest "controversy" over this is enough to hold it back, it will
only serve to feed that fire, IMO.

I mean seriously, we have people in here who think that a small thing like
this should be in the roadmap for JFK 9 (~2016-2018).  :-)
On Nov 23, 2010 9:39 AM, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at> wrote:
>>> In a parellel world, this idiom is irretrievably broken.
>> I fear that such an extreme focus on concurrent programming is rather
>> unhealthy for a general-purpose language.
> How can you possibly (with a straight face) describe the choice to *not*
add a
> controversial feature as being an "unhealthily extreme focus"? Seems to me

> the rhetoric in this discussion has left the realm of reality.

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