capturing (or not) mutable local variables

Patrick Wright pdoubleya at
Tue Nov 23 10:30:41 PST 2010

Dear fellow lambda-dev followers

Personally, I am grateful that the group at Oracle working on lambdas
is maintaining an open discussion with the community. To the best of
my recollection, this was not standard practice in earlier releases.
As such, I think it behooves us community members to participate
respectfully in this forum. There are plenty of other discussion
forums where these topics may be endlessly debated. I suggest we use
this one to offer constructive feedback on the proposals, and that
once a decision has been made, we move on. If community members have
more to say after that point, they are welcome to make their voices
heard elsewhere.

Let's not spoil a good thing: an open forum for technical discussion
on improving the Java language where everyone is welcome to follow, to
reflect, and to chime in.

It is pretty clear than on this one particular topic, a decision has
been made, at least for the time being. Let's move on.

Best regards,

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