capturing (or not) mutable local variables

Serge Boulay serge.boulay at
Sat Nov 27 11:26:12 PST 2010

At some point I'd like to see a still visible but less convoluted way of
doing this, for example by adding a keyword that can be applied to a local"

What about the @Shared annotation in "closures for Java" specification?

A mandatory warning is required if some local variable or parameter from an
enclosing scope is used, unless one of the following conditions holds:

   1. The variable is declared final, or
   2. The variable is not the target of any assignment (i.e., it is only
   initialized in its declaration), or
   3. The variable is annotated @Shared, or
   4. some enclosing construct is annotated @SuppressWarnings("shared").

RE: Reiner Zwitserloot

The difference between warning and error is virtually non-existent. As under
the hood there will be an enormous difference, keyword is a better fit.
Also, with the annotation you can't mark the local 'volatile'.
On Nov 27, 2010 6:23 PM, "Serge Boulay" <serge.boulay at> wrote:
> "At some point I'd like to see a still visible but less convoluted way of
> doing this, for example by adding a keyword that can be applied to a
> What about the @Shared annotation in "closures for Java" specification?
> A mandatory warning is required if some local variable or parameter from
> enclosing scope is used, unless one of the following conditions holds:
> 1. The variable is declared final, or
> 2. The variable is not the target of any assignment (i.e., it is only

> initialized in its declaration), or
> 3. The variable is annotated @Shared, or
> 4. some enclosing construct is annotated @SuppressWarnings("shared").

- Show quoted text -

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Reinier Zwitserloot <
reinier at> wrote:

> That sounds a bit defeatist!
> Just because a sizable chunk of programmers casually write code that
> includes an active bug or is extremely fragile doesn't mean we should just
> throw in the towel.
> Work should perhaps be done on the warning / error messages. For example,
> include a URL to a page that serves as a tutorial for the more complex java
> rules, such as why you can't assign a List<Integer> to a List<Number>. But,
> that's not a job for lambda-dev, and doesn't have to be done right now. The
> exact wording of error messages aren't part of the java spec, fortunately.
> I think PHP shows what happens when one always takes the most direct
> pragmatic solution to any problem. I assume I don't have to elaborate much
> on why PHP indicates this is not a particularly wise move.
> There's also a decent chance someone with absolutely no understanding as to
> why mutables in (non-thread-local) closures are a bad idea will
> nevertheless
> be coached into doing the right thing. The error message will doubtlessly
> reference the notion that _final_ locals _can_ be accessed in the closure.
> Making a copy final is a lot simpler than the array/AtomicX workaround, and
> so happens to be the superior solution too.
> A second benefit is that, while the one that wrote the code may well be
> clueless about what multicore implies, someone else reviewing this code
> will
> have an easier time identifying what's going on. This is quite java-esque -
> a field ref can't possibly invoke code. A local variable can't possibly be
> involved in a race condition. It's the basis upon which more complex
> reasoning can be performed. An 1-size array/AtomicX is an easily visible
> red
> flag.
> At some point I'd like to see a still visible but less convoluted way of
> doing this, for example by adding a keyword that can be applied to a local,
> but there's no particular need to do this for the first release of closures
> in java. An advantage of doing it later is that there will be far more
> experience to base further language changes on.
>  --Reinier Zwitserloot
> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Stephen Colebourne
> <scolebourne at>wrote:
> > On 26 November 2010 17:13, Mark Mahieu <markmahieu at> wrote:
> > > On 26 Nov 2010, at 10:58, Doug Lea wrote:
> > >> The workarounds like using 1-slot arrays add a level of
> > >> indirection to subvert the shallow-only provision.
> > >> Which seems tolerable.
> > >
> > > It's tolerable if the workaround is employed with a good understanding
> of
> > its limitations, but it has become a common approach to simple
> > inconveniences with final variables used in relatively innocuous
> contexts.
> >  My fear is that it's a workaround which will find itself used in far
> less
> > tolerant situations through the simple virtues of being well known and
> long
> > established.
> >
> > Agreed. And there is a connection to generics wildcards too. In both
> > cases, restrictions were/are added to the language for good reasons -
> > to keep the language safe. (For generics I'm thinking of casting a
> > List<Integer> to a List<Number>, and many other cases as in the huge
> > FAQ). What happens is:
> > - the developer tries to perform the "bad" thing
> > - the compiler stops them
> > - the developer curses the compiler
> > - the developer finds the quickest hack
> > In my experience, most don't worry about WHY the thing was "bad" they
> > just learn the hacks (and aren't worried if the hack is safe). For
> > generics, that might be using a raw type. For no access to mutable
> > variables, its the length one array.
> >
> > While I can entirely see why the mutable variable restriction is
> > desirable from a correctness POV, I'm far from convinced that it is
> > beneficial from a practical POV, and may actually be harmful (because
> > only a fraction of developers understand the restriction). As such,
> > allowing mutable access may well be better overall. Although, some
> > kind of middle ground like Doug suggests would be good.
> >
> > (Note that it could be argued based on the above, that mutable access
> > via arrays should be blocked to force an object based workaround like
> > AtomicRefs)
> >
> > Stephen
> >
> >

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