About the "arrowling" syntax

Reinier Zwitserloot reinier at zwitserloot.com
Mon Oct 18 23:34:51 PDT 2010

Discussions about syntactic concerns are preferably held later.

 --Reinier Zwitserloot

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Thomas Münz, XDEV Software Corp. <
t.muenz at xdev-software.de> wrote:

> ---------
> Sorry I messed up a little by first posting and then registering to the
> list. After 24h, I'm not sure if/when the first mail will be approved by an
> administrator, so I send it again. My apologies if this causes a double post
> eventually.
> ---------
> Hello!
> I'm following this list since the beginning but never wrote so far as I
> don't have much insight in design of language, compiler, VM, etc. (Compiler
> lectures only scratched the surface back then...)
> Now after seeing the draft syntax changed from #(){} to #{->}, I dare to
> write and deliver some arguments to the formerly pretty controversially
> received statement that the "->" syntax does not "feel like Java" (which I
> second).
> I know everyone says "we talk about syntax later" and I gladly catch some
> reprimand for bringing it up once again now ;), still I think it's good
> timing to intermediately post some thoughts on the issue (and maybe link to
> it later) that haven't been brought up before, if I'm not mistaken.
> A)
> In Java Syntax, the let me call it "optical information flow" always goes
> from right to left
> for example:
> int doStuff(int i);
> int a = 5;
> When reading Java source code, one always implicitely reads it as "some
> input value starts at the right and the result is passed to the left".
> When I first read examples for closures (in 2009 or so) like
> #{ int x -> x + 1 }
> I had to study the short snippets for minutes (really minutes, not seconds)
> to figure out what they are supposed to mean.
> There are two major problems: one is that all of a sudden, the syntax
> implies a left to right information flow even though it actually works like
> calling a method and is supposed to eventually pass the result to the left.
> The other is that what somehow appears to should have to be something like a
> parameter is visually INSIDE the code block like a local variable instead of
> before the block in brackets like parameters are.
> This structure-breaking dual-reversal of long time constant Java syntax
> characteristics is very confusing when reading source code and is not only a
> matter of "just not being used to it yet".
> B)
> The "arrow operator" itself creates a misleading intuitive impression. The
> primary association with "->" is "go to" or "goes to".
> here -> there
> ball -> goal
> man -> moon
> A good example from mathematics is limes: lim(x -> 0)
> "Limes: for x (goes) to 0 ..."
> A nice example in programming where this impression is fitting and actually
> helps reading source code is:
> int i = 10;
> while(i --> 0){...}
> The impression when reading is: "while i goes to 0, do ..."
> Quite intuitive as well is the use as a hashmap association:
> "blue" -> new color(0,0,255)
> Impression: "key "blue" goes to value color blue".
> But for Lambdas?
> A simple case like
> #{ int x -> x + 1 }
> might still be somewhat understandable, "x goes to x plus 1". Problem
> already here is that this implies that the variable x itself is incremented
> instead of implying "return x+1".
> But what about only a little more complex examples like
> #{ c -> System.out.println("pippo") };
> ?
> "c goes to print "pippo"". Immediate thought is: "What the?! Can variable c
> become a print call execution?"
> Or
> #{ e -> sum += e.size(); }
> "e goes to sum add e's size". Impression: "Huh?! Can e become an addition
> operation? Really?"
> Again, look at the comparable math example: f(x) = x+1
> "f of x is x plus 1". A much more intuitive impression than f(x -> x+1)
> could ever be.
> C)
> All calls of program code in Java have one inherent, consistent, clarifying
> signal syntax: the "()". Whenever there are "()" after an identifier, either
> empty or with values passed in it, you know that some code represented by
> this identifier is called.
> The "->" syntax breaks that as well.
> The form "#(...){...}" would perfectly fit into the way Java syntax is
> structured so far. The "{}" signal (only!) the block, the "()" signal that
> it's callable code and the parameters used. And as a new feature, everyone
> can quickly understand that because lambdas are some kind of "anonymous code
> snippets", there is no identifier but instead the "#" before the "()". (and
> btw: notice the similarity to the clear and well-known mathematical syntax)
> The form "#{... -> ...}", on the other hand, causes massive confusion,
> implying something like "this is some random uncallable code (or is it a
> hashmap association?) with no parameters that applies some new operation
> "->" from one part of the code inside the block to the other". Say what? o_0
> I hope this explains what (as I understand it) is meant with "it does not
> feel like Java" and objectively shows why this syntax is so painful to read
> for many (ordinary ;)) Java developers (like me).
> Personally, I strongly appeal to whoever makes the syntax sugar decision to
> not choose the structure-breaking and very confusing #{...->...} "arrowling"
> syntax (sounds only half as funny after translating the german word
> "Pfeilchen" into english :( ) but to choose the perfectly conforming syntax
> #(...){...} instead.
> Thank you for reading

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