Changing definite assignement rules: How?

Rémi Forax forax at
Wed Oct 20 09:19:50 PDT 2010

Le 20/10/2010 17:12, Gernot Neppert a écrit :
> The document "State of the lambda" brought up the idea to change the
> rules for definite assignment in order to allow self-referential
> lambdas.
> This would make the following code valid:
> final Runnable r = #{ if(arbitraryCondition()); };
> Well, changing the grammar is one thing. But could somebody please
> shed some light on how this could ever be implemented?
> How can you copy the value of the reference 'r' into the lambda before
> it has been assigned?
> A first suggestion would be to let the compiler generate code equivalent to:
> final AutoRunnable[] $ref = {null};
> final AutoRunnable r  = #{  if(arbitraryCondition()) $ref[0].run(); }
> $ref[0] = r;
> But that wouldn't work with:
> abstract class AutoRunnable implements Runnable
> {
>     AutoRunnable()
>     {
>         run();
>     }
> }
> final AutoRunnable r = #{ if(arbitraryCondition()); };
> Or, even worse:
> abstract class AutoRunnable implements Runnable
> {
>     AutoRunnable()
>     {
>         new Thread(this).start();
>     }
> }
> final AutoRunnable r = #{ if(arbitraryCondition()); };
> What am I overlooking here?

The lambda is generated as an inner class and
the reference 'r' is simply replaced by 'this'.


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