Bugs in new push

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Sun Oct 24 03:17:48 PDT 2010

Thanks for the report, I will look into that.


On 24/10/10 05:55, Ali Ebrahimi wrote:
> *Hi **Maurizio,*
> *
> *
> *After new push the following test that already passed successfully, now
> have a few compile error.*
> *1)*
> *
>          final Runnable r1 =#
>          {
>              System.out.println("Start")
>          };
>          r1.run();
>      Error:Error:line (67)variable r1 might already have been assigned
> 2)
>          final Runnable r2 =#
>          {
>              int sum = 0;
>              for (int i = 1; i<= 4; i++) {
>                  sum += i;
>              }
>              out.println("Sum 4 = " + sum);
>          }
>          ;
>          r2.run();
>      Error:Error:line (76)local variable i cannot be referenced
>      Error:Error:line (77)local variable sum cannot be referenced
> 3)
>          final IntList11 il = new IntList11();
>          out.println(il);
>          il.forEach( #
>          { i ->    return i+0;
>          });
>      Error:Error:line (181)unreported exception Exception; must be caught or
> declared to be thrown
> I compiled the test with my build after getting latest changes.
> I attached full test to my mail.
> Best Regards
> Ali Ebrahimi
> *

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