javac bug: inheritance of defenders

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Wed Oct 27 15:02:34 PDT 2010

The following class fails to compile:

public class SimpleDefenderTest extends TestCase {
     private static interface A {
         public extension int get() default;

     private static interface B extends A { }

     private static class C implements A { }

     private static class D extends C { }

     private static class E implements B { }

     public void testSimpleWeave() {
         C c = new C();
         assertEquals(1, c.get());

     public void testExtendWovenClass() {
         D d = new D();
         assertEquals(1, d.get());

     public void testAnonymousWeave() {
         assertEquals(1, new A() { }.get());

     public void testImplementSubclassOfExtended() {
         E e = new E();
         assertEquals(1, e.get());

     [javac] Compiling 1 source file to 
cannot find symbol
     [javac]         assertEquals(1, e.get());
     [javac]                          ^
     [javac]   symbol:   method get()
     [javac]   location: class E
     [javac] 1 error

The implementation of the one() method is straightforward:

public class Implementations {
     public static int one(Object receiver) {
         return 1;

     public static int two(Object receiver) {
         return 2;

It would appear that E is not believed to have member get(), which is 
inherited from B, which is inherited from A.

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