Type Inference is Causing Verification Error
Maurizio Cimadamore
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Fri Sep 3 10:11:04 PDT 2010
Thanks for the report.
Please send me (if that's possible) a zipfile containing the problematic
sources, so that I can reproduce the problem.
On 03/09/10 17:58, Ming-Yee Iu wrote:
> I have a piece of code that seems to compile fine, but when I run it,
> it generates a verification error.
> I'm putting together a LINQish system for Java7, but the my system is
> based only on bytecode analysis and uses no bytecode rewriting, so it
> looks like a compiler problem (in fact, I haven't implemented nested
> queries yet, so this piece of code was not successfully translated
> into SQL by my system and was simply running directly).
> Here is the code fragment that fails:
> DBSet<Pair<Tuple3<Integer, String, String>, Integer>> matches =
> db.allDBOrderLine()
> .group(
> #(ol)
> {
> DBItem i = ol.getItem();
> DBAuthor a = i.getAuthor();
> return new Tuple3<Integer, String, String>(i.getItemId(),
> i.getTitle(), a.getFirstName());
> },
> #(key, olset) {
> new Pair<Tuple3<Integer, String, String>, Integer>(
> key, olset.sumInt(#(ol){ol.getQuantity()}))}
> );
> ------
> The definition of the group() method is
> interface DBSet<T> extends Collection<T> {
> ...
> public static interface AggregateInteger<U> {
> public int aggregate(U val);
> }
> public int sumInt(AggregateInteger<T> aggregate);
> ...
> public static interface AggregateSelect<U, V> {
> public V aggregateSelect(DBSet<U> val);
> }
> public static interface AggregateGroup<W, U, V> {
> public V aggregateSelect(W key, DBSet<U> val);
> }
> public<U, V> DBSet<Pair<U, V>> group(Select<T, U> select,
> AggregateGroup<U, T, V> aggregate);
> }
> ------
> The verification error is
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type in
> method Test$2.aggregateSelect(Lch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/Tuple3;Lch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/DBSet;)Ljava/lang/Integer;
> at offset 25
> at Test.main(Test.java:12)
> -----
> The javap of Test$2 is
> class Test$2 extends java.lang.Object implements
> ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.DBSet$AggregateGroup<ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.Tuple3<java.lang.Integer,
> java.lang.String, java.lang.String>,
> ch.epfl.labos.iu.tpcw.entities.DBOrderLine, java.lang.Integer> {
> public java.lang.Integer
> aggregateSelect(ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.Tuple3<java.lang.Integer,
> java.lang.String, java.lang.String>,
> ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.DBSet<ch.epfl.labos.iu.tpcw.entities.DBOrderLine>);
> Code:
> 0: new #2 // class ch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/Pair
> 3: dup
> 4: aload_1
> 5: aload_2
> 6: new #3 // class Test$2$1
> 9: dup
> 10: aload_0
> 11: invokespecial #4 // Method
> Test$2$1."<init>":(LTest$2;)V
> 14: invokeinterface #5, 2 // InterfaceMethod
> ch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/DBSet.sumInt:(Lch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/DBSet$AggregateInteger;)I
> 19: invokestatic #6 // Method
> java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
> 22: invokespecial #7 // Method
> ch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/Pair."<init>":(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
> 25: areturn
> Test$2();
> Code:
> 0: aload_0
> 1: invokespecial #1 // Method
> java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
> 4: return
> public java.lang.Object aggregateSelect(java.lang.Object,
> ch.epfl.labos.iu.orm.DBSet);
> Code:
> 0: aload_0
> 1: aload_1
> 2: checkcast #8 // class ch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/Tuple3
> 5: aload_2
> 6: invokevirtual #9 // Method
> aggregateSelect:(Lch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/Tuple3;Lch/epfl/labos/iu/orm/DBSet;)Ljava/lang/Integer;
> 9: areturn
> }
> ----
> I may have gotten the generics in my definition of group() mixed up,
> but my intention was for Test$2.aggregateSelect() to return a Pair and
> not an Integer (in any case, the compiler should not generate code
> that does not verify).
> -Ming
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