java.dyn still in ProxyHelper

Marcos Antonio marcos_antonio_ps at
Fri Apr 15 04:09:05 PDT 2011

I'm running on Windows. I upgraded my lambda repo and installed JDK b137 and got the
same error when building the langtools. So I reverted to b133 and the error went away.
So, what's the solution to this problem? Won't we be able to use a new version of the JDK
because of this problem?
On 05/04/11 01:26, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Right - lambda repo is fine in itself - the problem is when you compile 
> langtools against a newer version of the JDK (which have 
> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle instead of java.dyn.MethodHandle).
> Maurizio 		 	   		  

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