hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Initial standard lambda functions and utils

Steven Simpson ss at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Sun Aug 7 01:56:27 PDT 2011

Hi again,

This seems a little odd:

  456     /**
  457      * Returns a predicate that evaluates to {@code true} if all or none of the
  458      * component predicates evaluate to {@code true}. The components are
  459      * evaluated in order, and evaluation will end if a predicate result
  460      * fails to match the first predicate's result.
  461      *
  462      * @param<T>  the type of values evaluated by the predicates.
  463      * @param first initial component predicate to be evaluated.
  464      * @param second additional component predicate to be evaluated.
  465      * @return  a predicate that evaluates to {@code true} if all or none of the
  466      * component predicates evaluate to {@code true}
  467      */
  468     public static<T, P extends Predicate<? super T>>  Predicate<T>  xor(
  469             Predicate<T>  first, P second) {
  470         if((null != first)&&  (first == second)) {
  471             return #{T t ->  false};
  472         }
  474         Objects.requireNonNull(first);
  475         Objects.requireNonNull(second);
  477         return #{T t ->  first.eval(t) ^ second.eval(t)};
  478     }

I note that the documentation appears to have come from the N-ary case, 
but has not yet been adapted for binary.  In either case, it is a 
strange definition of XOR to me, and not consistent with the 
implementation of the binary case above.

Logical XOR yields true if the operands are different - in contrast to 
the docs.  I would expect N-ary XOR to yield true if the number of true 
operands is odd, with no possibility of short-circuiting the result - in 
contrast to the N-ary implementation.  Or is the code following some 
other convention?


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