Review request for initial lambda functions and utils

Rémi Forax forax at
Tue Aug 9 13:31:28 PDT 2011

On 08/09/2011 08:29 PM, Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
> (I have yet to look at the code because I'm new to this group and don't know
> where to find it.)
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Colin Decker<cgdecker at>  wrote:
>> I'm curious about cases such as Predicates.IS_NULL and Predicates.isNull()
>> where there is both a public constant of type Predicate<Object>  and a
>> public
>> method that returns Predicate<T>. For one thing, I find the existence of
>> both fields and methods for these standard functions kind of awkward,
>> particularly when there's both a field and a method for the same thing. For
>> another, is it really a good idea to provide a method returning a
>> Predicate<Object>  as a Predicate<T>? I realize there are many people who
>> don't really get wildcards, but should the standard libraries cater to
>> methods declared to take Predicate<T>  where they should take Predicate<?
>> super T>? Or is there some other reason for this?
> I strongly recommend that Predicates.isNull() NOT follow Guava's example
> here.  Return a Predicate<Object>.  Users who want it to return Predicate<T>
> are trying to get away without using the wildcards on their method
> signatures that the language really dictates they *must*.  They always have
> the option to cast-and-suppress if they get into a pickle (we call that a
> "safe contravariant cast", provided that the user is certain the predicate
> can never be subsequently cast to any type that is *not* contravariant on
> T).
> 90% of Guava's APIs use wildcards and type parameters "judiciously" -- only
> when they are needed so as to *allow a method to be invoked* in all the
> circumstances it should be -- but do not add extra wildcards and type
> parameters that *also* allow the user to "massage" the return type of the
> method just because they want to.  I have never regretted this approach
> (although I do sometimes regret having to explain it over and over and
> over).

Hi Kevin,
You have to know that I've lost several Karma point because of you.

Last year, I had to write a compiler for a DSL used to abstract some graphs
with a runtime based on Guava.
It was so painful to generate Java codes that use Guava that
we eventually switch to another library.
The DSL was statically typed so it was easy to know the type of each 
expression but
because Guava doesn't work if you set explicitly the type arguments,
I had to rely on the inference mechanism of javac
(in fact the one specified in the Java spec) which as you know has some 
At some points, the code to try to explain to Guava which types I wanted
was bigger than all other parts of the compiler, I just give up
and use a simpler API.

The Java generics spec is already complex so why creating an API
which is harder to use by putting some extra fences.


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