A peek past lambda

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Sun Aug 21 07:37:28 PDT 2011

On 08/21/2011 02:11 PM, Llewellyn Falco wrote:
> I'm curious as to the following statement:
>> Lambdas are slow as hell in C#, I don't want to do the same mistake.
> check out http://diditwith.net/2006/10/05/PerformanceOfForeachVsListForEach.aspx
> it would appear they can be are faster than regular blocks of code ?!?
> ( this seems crazy, but I know I've seen this is java as well, where
> the "overhead" of a method call doesn't pan out as expected)

First all the tests are flawed in this benchmark,
a JIT can easily see that the sum is not used and discards the whole loop.

Second, iterating over a List using an Iterator is slower than using
an index, in C# as in Java (*).
Moreover, the .Net JIT recognizes List.forEach and generate a specific
assembler code for it (Scala uses the same trick at compile time).
That's why it's faster.

So this post is a flawed benchmarch on a special case where
we learn that if you special case something, it works well :)

I said that lambdas are slow in C# because I was involved
in a project aiming to develop a DSL with two backends.
One using the JVM the other using .Net.
This DSL had a very limited form of lambda and was not using
the C# library.
The performance of the .Net delegates was so awful that I had to
write a lot of compiler tricks to avoid to use delegates.

> I am wondering if perhaps the lambdas in C# are being confused with
> LINQ in C#. Linq can preform slowly, but that isn't because of the
> lambdas, it's because of the implementation of linq. A lot of times
> people are only using lambdas with linq and start to blur the lines.
> Alternatively, performance bottlenecks are also commonly misplaced
> when done without a profiler.

linq = C# extension method + lambda, both are slow.

> My question is, is there a performance difference between
> a();
> b();
> if b is a static method?
> is there a performance difference between
> a();
> otherObject.a();
> ??


> All of the above always struck me as very crazy fast, and if so why
> would you add complexity to make lambdas different? It would seem the
> only optimization lambdas would benefit from is the realization that
> some of them could be a singleton instead of a individual objects.
> just spitballing here,


>   but you could solve this one easily by
> replacing the " new LambdaAnonymousClass() " call with
> "LambdaAnonymousClass.Create()" and then in the creation of the
> LambdaAnonymousClass check if there is any Field methods to determine
> if it should be a singleton instance or not.

We can do better.

> of course this raises an interesting question of the equals()&
> hashCode() method, has that been discussed already?
> --
> Llewellyn Falco
> www.approvaltests.com


* With the JDK7 the performance of the loop with an Iterator are really 
   to the one with an index. So close that you don't have to think about 
that anymore.

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