Variable number of parameters

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Mon Dec 5 15:22:16 PST 2011

Consider this looping method (on a DoubleList class for simplicity of

interface IndexedBlock {
  void apply(Double value, int index);
class DoubleList {
  public void each(IndexedBlock block);

To fulfil this functional interface, the writer of the lambda must
specify two parameters:

 list.each( (value, index) -> print("Index " + index + " value " + value) );

But, it would be convenient to be able to only specify the index if
required when writing the lambda:

 list.each( value -> print("Value " + value) );  // this still uses

The example here is based on Fantom, but probably occurs in other
languages. It is important, because it affects the way in which the
APIs are designed - access to the index while looping can be provided
with an additional parameter that is only used when necessary, rather
than needing to provide a separate "eachIndexed()" method.

Of course, such an approach complicates inference, and adds
complexity, taking lambdas further away from inner classes. Its
possible that the EDR allows this, but I don't think it does.

I raise it as I don't recall a discussion here about this (not because
I necessarily think its right for Java).


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