Variable number of parameters

Llewellyn Falco isidore at
Tue Dec 6 02:29:37 PST 2011

This is essentially just a form of Currying. I think it's cleaner not
to do the auto-remove missing parameter, but if this was to happen 1-2
times, I would be concerned about the api design.

again, this goes to the question of "do you own the api"
if you own the api then it seems like

interface Bar { void bar(A a, B b)}
foo(Bar bar)

could be extended to
foo(Ba ba) { foo((a,b) ->;}
interface Ba {void ba(A a)}

as there isn't a way to attach methods if you don't own the api, then
this becomes a bit more of a problem.

It is my belief that the desire for this feature "Fantom" is a side
effect of more specific use case of the lack of extension methods.
As it has been decided not to implement extension methods, I think it
would be a mistake to add the "Fantom" feature to fix the single use
case of the more generic solution.

Llewellyn Falco

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