Code is always compiled without lambda parameter type

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Wed Jan 5 04:51:08 PST 2011

Thanks for the report, I will look into that.


On 05/01/11 12:42, Marcos Antonio wrote:
> Hello, everybody!
> I have this piece of code in a class of mine:
> addHierarchyListener(
>      #{e ->
>          if ((e.getChangeFlags()&  HierarchyEvent.PARENT_CHANGED) != 0)
>          {
>              IJanela janela = UtilsIU.obterJanela(this);
>              if (janela != null)
>              {
>                  janela.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(_btnOk);
>                  btnCancelar.addActionListener(#{e ->  janela.fechar()});
>              }
>              else if (btnCancelar.getActionListeners().length>  0)
>              {
>                  btnCancelar.removeActionListener(btnCancelar.getActionListeners()[0]);
>              }
>          }
>      }
> );
> The interesting thing that I noticed is that "ant" always compile the class
> that has this fragment of code, even if I don't change it. It's like the
> java file is always changed. Now if I make this little change (introducing
> the type of the paramenter, HierarchyEvent), the code only compiles once,
> after the change, as expected.
> addHierarchyListener(
>      #{HierarchyEvent e ->
>          if ((e.getChangeFlags()&  HierarchyEvent.PARENT_CHANGED) != 0)
>          {
>              IJanela janela = UtilsIU.obterJanela(this);
>              if (janela != null)
>              {
>                  janela.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(_btnOk);
>                  btnCancelar.addActionListener(#{e ->  janela.fechar()});
>              }
>              else if (btnCancelar.getActionListeners().length>  0)
>              {
>                  btnCancelar.removeActionListener(btnCancelar.getActionListeners()[0]);
>              }
>          }
>      }
> );
> I think this is a problem, but I just don't know where.
> Marcos 		 	   		

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