Playing with new compiler

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Wed Jun 1 09:14:30 PDT 2011

Hi Ali,
the following looks problematic [the lambda expression is void 
compatible, so it should not be possible to convert it to a SAM 
descriptor returning String. The rest looks good to me (including the 
message that says 'cyclic inference'). We are discussing as to whether, 
in cases of cyclic inference, inference variables should be instantiated 
eagerly or not (i.e. to Object) so that method applicability check can 
continue. For now, the compiler is conservative, and does not attempt to 
attribute a lambda body until the type of the lambda parameters are 
fully known/inferred.


On 25/05/11 08:21, Ali Ebrahimi wrote:
> call(#{ x ->  System.out.println(x);});    /* compile :
> reference to call is ambiguous, both method call(SAM1) in AMBTest and
> method call(SAM2) in AMBTest match

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