Syntax poll

Jack Moxley jack at
Sat Jun 11 10:32:20 PDT 2011

I put my name on my vote I presume everyone else did so I can't imagine it will be too hard to filter the rabble from the rubble.

Can we stop the car/physicist analogies it by its nature obfuscates a rather simple concept.

On 11 Jun 2011, at 18:13, Mark Thornton <mthornton at> wrote:

> On 11/06/11 17:57, Alex Blewitt wrote:
>> On 11 Jun 2011, at 17:47, Jesse Sightler<jesse.sightler at>  wrote:
>>> Include a membership question in the poll.  For example:
>>> Are you subscribed to the lambda-dev mailing list?
>> Or have a poll by asking people to mail the list with their votes.  Since you can only post if you are already a member, that limits the response rates.
>> Many open source communities take votes on lists this way, and often have a criteria such as "people who were registered on the list on 1st June" so as to avoid subscribe and spam members. It also increases transparency since the results can later be interpreted by anyone.
> The disadvantage is that the results aren't independent --- everyone can 
> see previous responses. Conceivably distribution of the responses to the 
> poll request could be delayed until after completion of the poll.
> Mark

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