Syntax poll

Llewellyn Falco isidore at
Sat Jun 11 12:06:04 PDT 2011

hey there,

I'm hesitant to post this, because I'm worried that it will turn into
a flame war. however:

> If you want to know how a car *will* handle in traffic, then ask the
> physicists.  If you already have the car (which we do not) then ask
> the drivers.

the thing is, we "kinda" do have the car.

BGGA is scala-groovy
Redmond is C#
I'm not sure about strawman

I am sure that my personal baise is a result of the many successful
hours I have had using lambdas in C#. I don't have the scala/groovy
experience to compare to (my very limited scala experience included
more _ than the BGGA style)

The thing is, it's rare enough to find people who code in 2 languages
on a regular bases. Let alone 3 (java,c# & (scala/groovy))

It would seem to me that implementing some sort of pair programming
exchange program would be useful, to allow people to see how the day
to day immersive quality works.

I'm not sure of relativeness either, but would
indicate that finding the pool of day to day scala/groovy programmers
would be harder, but I suspect those numbers don't apply to here at
THIS group.

Llewellyn Falco

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