Syntax poll

Kieron.Wilkinson at Kieron.Wilkinson at
Mon Jun 13 03:38:11 PDT 2011

Not necessarily. I didn't put my name on it for that exact reason 
actually. I have been subscribed to this list for ages, and read most of 
the messages, I just very rarely participate.

Brian didn't say it was a poll only for those that actively participate, 
but of those subscribed and so are familiar with the issues.


Jack Moxley <jack at> wrote on 11/06/2011 18:32:20:
> I put my name on my vote I presume everyone else did so I can't 
> imagine it will be too hard to filter the rabble from the rubble.
> Can we stop the car/physicist analogies it by its nature obfuscates 
> a rather simple concept.
> On 11 Jun 2011, at 18:13, Mark Thornton <mthornton at> wrote:
> > On 11/06/11 17:57, Alex Blewitt wrote:
> >> On 11 Jun 2011, at 17:47, Jesse Sightler<jesse.sightler at> 
> >> 
> >>> Include a membership question in the poll.  For example:
> >>> 
> >>> Are you subscribed to the lambda-dev mailing list?
> >> Or have a poll by asking people to mail the list with their 
> votes.  Since you can only post if you are already a member, that 
> limits the response rates.
> >> 
> >> Many open source communities take votes on lists this way, and 
> often have a criteria such as "people who were registered on the 
> list on 1st June" so as to avoid subscribe and spam members. It also
> increases transparency since the results can later be interpreted by 
> >> 
> > The disadvantage is that the results aren't independent --- everyone 
> > see previous responses. Conceivably distribution of the responses to 
> > poll request could be delayed until after completion of the poll.
> > 
> > Mark
> > 
> > 
> > 

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