Expected distribution of lambda sizes (Re: Syntax poll, take 2)

Jack Moxley jack at moxley.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 12:26:16 PDT 2011

I think my parser is superior in it's ability to be forgiving :-) 

I agree with the original point a few years back I used to be a j2me mobile porting developer, I would receive code from many different companies, including from some well known names. and effectively 'fix' the code bases to work on a multitude of handsets. This was old skool j2me i.e. No floating points and a tiny Api and pre 1.5 syntax.

Most of the apps were games and most of them would work using the same basic principle. Take some input and concurrently and Sequentially paint to the screen. No two implementations worked in the same way. You could spot previous language  experience and not one implementation was portable.

I now consult for many different enterprises in the j2ee space and the same problems I saw in j2me crop up again and again. 

Whatever syntax is chosen remember that it WILL be abused, and some poor sod like me is going to have to find the issue and then teach the perpetrator as to why it was abuse. 

To sum up, expect the unexpected.

On 14 Jun 2011, at 19:13, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:

> Parse error: unmatched closing tag "</rant>"; no corresponding <rant> tag.
>> </rant>

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