Expected distribution of lambda sizes (Re: Syntax poll, take 2)
Sam Pullara
sam at sampullara.com
Tue Jun 14 23:12:11 PDT 2011
He is saying that Java code is more complicated because of these types of issues and will sometimes be longer than the equivalent code in a language that doesn't need these guards.
On Jun 14, 2011, at 11:09 PM, Knox, Liam wrote:
> So we agree.
> We have a limbo language. With a boolean that can mean more than just true or false !
> My point is if I pass a Function (i.e. Google collections like) to a method, and that then throws a NPE, all is well.
> This is what I want to happen and expect and can handle.
> Are you saying semantically Closures should behave differently ?
> From: neal.gafter at gmail.com [mailto:neal.gafter at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Neal Gafter
> Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:00 PM
> To: Knox, Liam (PTT)
> Cc: Sam Pullara; lambda-dev
> Subject: Re: Expected distribution of lambda sizes (Re: Syntax poll, take 2)
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:54 PM, Knox, Liam <Liam.Knox at morganstanleymufg.com> wrote:
> Boolean a = null;
> if(a){}
> What does that do ?
> It throws a NullPointerException [sic].
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