Expected distribution of lambda sizes (Re: Syntax poll, take 2)

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Wed Jun 15 10:39:13 PDT 2011

On 15/06/11 18:27, John Nilsson wrote:
> In that case you could just skip the type parameter list entierly. In
> my mind the method is attached to the raw type, just like static
> methods are accessed by Class.method(), Class#method would be
> sensible.
Uhmm, not quite; the method reference of the kind Pair<T,V>#fst() is a 
'bound' method reference - meaning that the target SAM descriptor will 
have an extra argument for the receiver. This argument can have/not have 
a raw type, as illustrated below.

*) Pair#fst is compatible with a SAM type whose method is m(Pair)

*) Pair<String, Integer>#fst is compatible with a SAM type whose method 
is m(Pair<String>)

*) Pair<>#fst is compatible with a SAM type whose method is of the kind 
m(Pair<X,Y>) - where X,Y will be the actual type-parameters that go 
inside the '<>'. [this is what I proposed earlier and not part of the 
current syntax for method references]

> BR,
> John
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 7:25 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore
> <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com>  wrote:
>> On 15/06/11 18:17, John Nilsson wrote:
>>> That could be solved either by simply deciding which name wins, or by
>>> some slight syntax change to differentiate between methods and
>>> functions ( a method on this, for example, would be a function in the
>>> scope of the lambda) for example #.fst #.snd would be method calls.
>> Another idea:
>> Pair<>#fst
>> Maurizio
>>> BR,
>>> John
>>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore
>>> <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com>    wrote:
>>>> On 15/06/11 16:00, John Nilsson wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore
>>>>> <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com>      wrote:
>>>>>> <T, V extends Comparable<T>>      List<V>      schwarz(List<T>      x, Function<T,
>>>>>> Pair<T,V>>      f) {
>>>>>>         return map(#{ w ->      f.apply(w) }, x)
>>>>>>            .sort( Pair<T,V>#fst() )
>>>>>>            .map( Pair<T,V>#snd() );
>>>>>>      }
>>>>> Could this become the following even?
>>>>> <T, V extends Comparable<T>>
>>>>> List<V>      schwarz(List<T>      x, Function<T,Pair<T,V>>      f) {
>>>>>         return x.map(f).sort(#fst).map(#snd);
>>>>>      }
>>>> I see where you are headed, you want to use the target type in order to
>>>> infer the receiver type of the method reference; while this seems a nice
>>>> idea in principle, a problem I see with this is the potential ambiguity with
>>>> this#foo (which people might want to be able to shorten to just #foo).
>>>> Maurizio
>>>>> BR,
>>>>> John

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