Optional brackets around lambda expression (was: Expected distribution of lambda sizes)
Yuval Shavit
yshavit at akiban.com
Wed Jun 15 13:35:14 PDT 2011
What would happen with something like:
public interface Sam {
String doSomething(String arg);
public class User {
public void use(Sam sam) { System.out.println("saw a sam"); }
public void use(String string) { System.out.println("saw a string"); }
new User().use( #(x) x + "a string" );
In that context, which are we passing?
- lambda that takes a String, concatenates "a string" to it and returns
the result
- a string consisting of (lambda x -> x).toString() concatenated with "a
This is just one simple and somewhat contrived example, but the point is
that without braces or something similar, it's not too hard to come up with
a situation where it's not clear where the lambda ends and the rest of the
expression begins.
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Steven Simpson <ss at comp.lancs.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 13/06/11 21:10, Pavel Minaev wrote:
> > Statement lambdas would typically be thus wrapped, yes (coincidentally,
> it's
> > also why I'd prefer to have a separate form for expression lambdas which
> > does not include the {} so as to be visually distinct from statement
> > blocks).
> Yes, I think I'd appreciate that visual distinction too. Is it possible
> to have an unambiguous expression syntax not requiring any form of
> brackets around either the whole lambda or its body?:
> #() 3
> #() 3 + 4
> #(x) x + 1
> #(x, y) x + y
> When used like this, they will likely be in argument lists, so they are
> naturally delimited by commas and the list-terminating bracket, and need
> no brackets of their own. IOW, #() would have quite a low precedence,
> and any brackets put around it would be part of existing syntax (e.g.
> for normal expressions and argument lists).
> If you had one lambda in the body of another, it will likely have to be
> inside an enclosed call, whose brackets will naturally delimit it:
> #(a) a + process(#(b) b * b) + 10
> If it wasn't so embedded, you could always put normal expression
> brackets around it:
> #(a) a + (#(b) b * b).invoke(a)
> (And that's a little contrived. And possibly quite difficult to
> type-infer…?)
> I don't think you could drop the parameter-list brackets too, as that
> would make parsing much more complex (e.g. #a + a). Looking at that
> more positively, it would keep lambda syntax and appearance obviously
> distinct from method literals. ("#(" => Bam! I'm a lambda!) The
> presence of braces would then further distinguish lambda expressions
> from lambda statements.
> In summary, we require brackets around neither the lambda expression nor
> its body. We are then forced to used some around the parameter list,
> but take advantage of this as the constant discriminant of lambda vs
> method literal.
> Applied to some other expressions seen on the list lately:
> list.filter( #(t) t.length() > 3 )
> .map( #(t) t.barCount )
> .max();
> students.filter(#(s) s!=null && "Smith".equals(s.getName()))
> List men = personList.filter(#(p) p.isMale());
> List<Double> adjustedPrices =
> prices.map(#(price) price + getShipping());
> Cheers,
> Steven
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