Expected distribution of lambda sizes (Re: Syntax poll, take 2)

Jack Moxley jack at moxley.co.uk
Thu Jun 16 01:07:33 PDT 2011

That is the most faulty piece of transposed logic I have ever witnessed. I believe Reinier was refering to style of development.

  From: Alex Blewitt [mailto:alex.blewitt at gmail.com]
To: Reinier Zwitserloot [mailto:reinier at zwitserloot.com]
Cc: lambda-dev [mailto:lambda-dev at openjdk.java.net]
Sent: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 08:36:48 +0100
Subject: Re: Expected distribution of lambda sizes (Re: Syntax poll, take 2)

On 16 Jun 2011, at 08:03, Reinier Zwitserloot <reinier at zwitserloot.com> wrote:

> Using the apparent aggregate preferences of the greater java community, as
> gleaned by looking at a lot of open source code, I conclude that the greater
> java community will likely end up putting a lot more linebreaks in closure
> bodies than we are doing with these examples.

Using this logic, we can conclude that no-one in the greater Java community will be interested in lambdas, since looking at open source code shows no sign of lambda use at the moment. 



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