Reuse 'do' keyword instead of hash sign (#)

Marcin Wiśnicki mwisnicki at
Sat Jun 18 04:11:54 PDT 2011

This is a repost from 2010/8 since apparently now syntax is up for
discussion but wasn't back then.
Also I didn't like any proposal from "Syntax poll" thread ;(

You can call it "do" syntax ;)
I didn't have the time to think it thoroughly or follow recent java7/8
developments but here it goes:

Would it be possible to change the clumsy '#' operator to 'do' keyword ?

 do(){return 5;}
 do(int x, int y) { if (x>y) return x; else return y; }
 button.onClick(do(Event e) { println("button clicked"); });

"strawman" syntax example:

  list.filter( #(Foo t)(t.length() > 3) )
      .map( #(Foo t)(t.barCount) )


  list.filter( do(Foo t)(t.length() > 3) )
      .map( do(Foo t)(t.barCount) )

I find it more readable; using special characters feels a bit
like perl (noisy), especially when combining multiple lambdas.
It even makes sense if you parse it as english.

Don't know what to do with anonymous function type but it could remain as '#'.

 - more readable
 - makes sense
 - like '#' needs only 1-lookahead to disambiguate from do-while '(' vs '{' [1]
 - did I mention it's more readable ?

 - none (that I could think of)

[1] Automatic Resource Management from Coins wanted to use 'do' but I
see they have switched to 'try' so no problem there.

PS. Please CC me when responding, thanks.

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