Optional brackets around lambda expression (was: Expecteddistribution of lambda sizes)

Gernot Neppert mcnepp02 at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 20 00:04:29 PDT 2011

Hi Reinier,

if I understand the draft specification (a.k.a "State of the lambda")
correctly, lambda expressions can only appear in contexts where a cast
or an assignment to a SAM-type follows the lambda expression
Thus, your example of a String-concatenation expression containing a
lambda is somewhat irrelevant as it would not be allowed by the
proposed grammar.

To make the example valid, you'd have to apply a cast to a SAM type,
and I think we all agree that requiring parentheses around the lambda
before the cast is applied would be the natural thing to do. So the
example would become:

"" + (String2IntConverter)(#(String a) a.length() + 5)

2011/6/19 Reinier Zwitserloot <reinier at zwitserloot.com>:
> If all ambiguity must be avoided, all mathematical expressions would be very
> awkward; only 2-arg arithmatic would be legit as anything else is
> We could throw some curveballs out there and ask random java programmers
> what they think the precedence order would be, something like:
> "" + #(String a) a.length() + 5
> And ask them if this prints "Function(String)int5" or "Function(String)int".
> If I was a gambling man I'd guess that the (vast) majority of java
> programmers will correctly guess "Function(String)int".
>  --Reinier Zwitserloot
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 1:11 PM, <david.moss at ubs.com> wrote:
>> > As discussed in another thread; it's just like strawman, except
>> > the parentheses around the expression are optional. Thus,
>> > official strawman wants this:
>> >
>> > Comparable<String> comparator = #(a, b) (a.length() - b.length());
>> >
>> > and the paren-less variant lets you write this instead:
>> >
>> > Comparable<String> comparator = #(a, b) a.length() - b.length();
>> Hi,
>> Seems to me this is ambiguous; you could have the following situation,
>> for instance:
>> String b = "some";
>> Comparable<String> comparator = #(a, b) a.length() - b.length();
>> And not know whether it should be read as:
>> String b = "some";
>> Comparable<String> comparator = (#(a, b) a.length()) - b.length();
>> Or:
>> String b = "some";
>> Comparable<String> comparator = (#(a, b) a.length() - b.length());
>> Kind Regards,
>> David.
>> --
>> David S. Moss
>> Stress Testing Tool Lead Developer
>> IT Risk
>> 1923 96757
>> --
>> Sent from my Dell Optiplex 745
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