Syntax options

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Mon Jun 20 08:46:46 PDT 2011

Several people have asked for clarification about the bounds of the 
various families of syntax options that were suggested in the poll. 
Here's an attempt to flesh out the option space for the families of 
options we've been discussing.

All forms allow type arguments to be omitted if they can be inferred.

Method reference syntax to be treated separately; if we choose a #-ful 
lambda form, then we should similarly choose a #-ful method reference 

This isn't even a complete list of the various tweaks that can be 
applied.  The point here is simply to outline the space of possibilities 
that are under active discussion.


Expression form: #(x)(x + 1)
Statement form: #(x){ if (x > 0)
                           return 1;
                           return 2;

Variant 1: use same delimiter (curly braces) for both statement and 
expression lambdas

Variant 2: Variant 1, plus nilary form: #{ 42 }

Option A: Some other prefix character:
    ^ (a la ObjC): ^(x){ x+1 }
    ` (a la lisp): `(x){ x+1 }
    & (a la C++):  &(x){ x+1 }


Expression form: { x -> x + 1 }
Statement form: { x ->
                       if (x > 0)
                           return 1;
                           return 2;
Nilary form: { -> stuff }

Variant 1: require parens around arg lists in some cases (such as 
statement lambdas with "long" parameter lists):
   { (int a, int b, int c) ->
       if (a > b)
           return c;
           return -c;

Option A: Same, but with fat arrow =>

Option B: Always allow optional parens around arg list


This is BGGA with a prefix character glued on front.

Expression form: #{ x -> x + 1 }
Statement form: #{ x ->
                       if (x > 0)
                           return 1;
                           return 2;
Nilary form: #{ stuff }

Option A: Same, but with fat arrow =>

Option B: Some other prefix character:
    ^ (a la ObjC): ^{ x -> x+1 }
    ` (a la lisp): `{ x -> x+1 }
    & (a la C++):  &{ x -> x+1 }


Expression form: args -> expression
   Nilary example: () -> 3
   Unary example:  x -> x+1
   Binary example: (x,y) -> x+y

Statement form:  args -> { statements }
   Unary example:  x -> {
                       if (x > 0)
                           return 1;
                           return 2;

Variant 1: require braces (or parens) around expression form

Option A: Same, but with fat arrow =>

Option B: Require parens around arg lists always, including unary

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