Syntax options

Mikael Grev grev at
Mon Jun 20 09:41:54 PDT 2011

is it totally out of the question to optionally be able to use a short hand like for instance:

#{  $1.length()  >  1 }


On Jun 20, 2011, at 17:46 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:

> Several people have asked for clarification about the bounds of the 
> various families of syntax options that were suggested in the poll. 
> Here's an attempt to flesh out the option space for the families of 
> options we've been discussing.
> All forms allow type arguments to be omitted if they can be inferred.
> Method reference syntax to be treated separately; if we choose a #-ful 
> lambda form, then we should similarly choose a #-ful method reference 
> form.
> This isn't even a complete list of the various tweaks that can be 
> applied.  The point here is simply to outline the space of possibilities 
> that are under active discussion.
> --------
> Expression form: #(x)(x + 1)
> Statement form: #(x){ if (x > 0)
>                           return 1;
>                       else
>                           return 2;
>                     }
> Variant 1: use same delimiter (curly braces) for both statement and 
> expression lambdas
> Variant 2: Variant 1, plus nilary form: #{ 42 }
> Option A: Some other prefix character:
>    ^ (a la ObjC): ^(x){ x+1 }
>    ` (a la lisp): `(x){ x+1 }
>    & (a la C++):  &(x){ x+1 }
>    etc
> ----
> Expression form: { x -> x + 1 }
> Statement form: { x ->
>                       if (x > 0)
>                           return 1;
>                       else
>                           return 2;
>                 }
> Nilary form: { -> stuff }
> Variant 1: require parens around arg lists in some cases (such as 
> statement lambdas with "long" parameter lists):
>   { (int a, int b, int c) ->
>       if (a > b)
>           return c;
>       else
>           return -c;
>   }
> Option A: Same, but with fat arrow =>
> Option B: Always allow optional parens around arg list
> SotL
> ----
> This is BGGA with a prefix character glued on front.
> Expression form: #{ x -> x + 1 }
> Statement form: #{ x ->
>                       if (x > 0)
>                           return 1;
>                       else
>                           return 2;
>                 }
> Nilary form: #{ stuff }
> Option A: Same, but with fat arrow =>
> Option B: Some other prefix character:
>    ^ (a la ObjC): ^{ x -> x+1 }
>    ` (a la lisp): `{ x -> x+1 }
>    & (a la C++):  &{ x -> x+1 }
>    etc
> Redmond
> -------
> Expression form: args -> expression
>   Nilary example: () -> 3
>   Unary example:  x -> x+1
>   Binary example: (x,y) -> x+y
> Statement form:  args -> { statements }
>   Unary example:  x -> {
>                       if (x > 0)
>                           return 1;
>                       else
>                           return 2;
>                   }
> Variant 1: require braces (or parens) around expression form
> Option A: Same, but with fat arrow =>
> Option B: Require parens around arg lists always, including unary

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