The prefix symbol

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Mon Jun 20 10:54:17 PDT 2011

The four syntax families split into two types, those with a prefix
symbol and those without.

The prefix symbol is commonly mentioned as #:

#(x) { return x + 1; }
#{x -> x + 1}

*** If you have a strong desire to see any symbol other than #
considered then please respond to this thread. ***

- Your reply MUST specify the symbol
- Your reply MUST give a brief justification
- Your reply MUST repeat the two examples above using your preferred symbol
- You SHOULD try to ensure that your alternate symbol choice would
parse acceptably
- You MAY reply to suggest a keyword, however you should expect that
to be rejected

Thread rules:
- Only reply if you prefer your alternate symbol to #
- To discuss something, change the thread title
- Don't reply just to say "I don't want a prefix symbol"
- Responding with a symbol suggestion doesn't preclude your first
choice actually being "no prefix symbol"

For example, my preferred choice of prefix symbol is #, thus I should
not respond to this thread!

(this is an experiment to see if we can focus on one particular
discussion element at a time)

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