One more syntax option allowing nice control abstraction

Reinier Zwitserloot reinier at
Mon Jun 20 13:22:36 PDT 2011

Much bigger drawback you failed to mention: Breaks all java code that uses
'lambda' as an identifier name.

 --Reinier Zwitserloot

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Alexander Kochurov <
alexander.kochurov at> wrote:

> David Goodenough suggested to use 'lambda' keyword:
> "lambda()(5)
> lambda(){return 5;}
>  lambda(int x,int y) { if (x>y) return x; else return y; }"
> Control abstraction may be introduced later in the following way:
> to pass lambda to any method taking SAM type as it's last argument, lambda
> body should be written in braces after closing bracket, lambda argument
> names and types may be given before method parameters in brackets,
> separated
> by colon (if any):
> sort(T[], Comparator<T>)  may be called with lambda comparator as
> T[] array = ...
> sort(T a, T b: array) {  // a & b are lambda arguments; array is parameter
> of 'sort' method
>     return a.compareTo(b);
> }
> 'lambda' may also be defined as a plain java function (but this won't work
> cause type for SAM convertion should be known at compile time):
> <T> T lambda(T t) { return t; }
> * Pros:
> IMHO, that syntax looks very java-ish: see for loop for maps definition
> below
> <K, V> void forEachEntry(Map<K, V> map, Function2<K, V>*/ f) {
>     for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> it =
> map.entrySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
>          Entry<K, V> entry =;
>          f.apply(entry.key, entry.value);
>     }
> }
> Map<K, V> m = ...
> forEachEntry(K k, V v: m) {
>     System.out(k + " => " + v);
> }
> *drawback*: constructor cannot use that syntax: it would be
> indistinguishable
> from subclassing:
> new Type() { /* is that labda body or anonymous class body? */ }
> Lambdas should be constructed explicitely before passing it to constructor:
> new Type(lambda() {return someValue;}) { /* this is not lambda body, it's
> anonymous type body*/ };
> Alexander Kochurov

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