One more syntax option allowing nice control abstraction

Neal Gafter neal at
Mon Jun 20 13:29:38 PDT 2011

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Alexander Kochurov <
alexander.kochurov at> wrote:

> David Goodenough suggested to use 'lambda' keyword:
> "lambda()(5)
> lambda(){return 5;}
>  lambda(int x,int y) { if (x>y) return x; else return y; }"
> Control abstraction may be introduced later in the following way:

Your suggestion doesn't actually provide for control abstraction because of
the binding of the "return" construct (not to mention break, continue,
non-final variables, etc).

To see if you've added language support sufficient to provide control
abstraction, you might try defining a method that accepts a boolean and two
blocks of code and acts as an "if-then-else" statement.  It needn't be
pretty (after all, we already have an if statement in the language) but it
should have the correct behavior *without *the contents of the "then" and
"else" blocks being rewritten from the way they would appear in a
language-provided if-then-else statement.

See also <>, <>,


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