The prefix symbol

Pavel Minaev int19h at
Tue Jun 21 09:47:33 PDT 2011

Isn't this only true for statement lambdas? What about Strawman expression
syntax, which doesn't have ')' '{'?

Either way, it seems that it would require infinite lookahead to parse?

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:

> On 21/06/11 17:14, Sam Pullara wrote:
> > Both the $ and _ are valid method names so this would likely not work.
> This wouldn't be much of a problem, as the Strawman syntax cannot
> possibly be confused with a method call - the compiler would need to
> look for the 'special' token sequence ')' '{' after the '_' or '$'.
> Maurizio
> > Sam
> >
> > On Jun 21, 2011, at 2:57 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> >
> >> On 21/06/11 10:42, Milos Nikic wrote:
> >>> Well since you are mentioning, i think it is not  unreasonable to say
> that
> >>> $ could be on this list too.
> >>> $ is not very different than #, in that java web developers use # for
> jsf
> >>> based expressions, and $ for jsp ones.
> >>>
> >>> $(x) { return x + 1; }
> >>> ${x ->   x + 1}
> >> What about '_' as in:
> >>
> >> _(x) { return x + 1; }
> >>
> >>
> >> It's less intrusive than # and it has that 'unnamed' feeling that I
> >> think fits well in this case...
> >>
> >> Maurizio
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Milos
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Stephen Colebourne
> >>> <scolebourne at>wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Prefix character summary after 15 hours:
> >>>>
> >>>> Use a #
> >>>>   #(x) { return x + 1; }
> >>>>   #{x ->   x + 1}
> >>>>
> >>>> Use a ^
> >>>>   ^(x) { return x + 1; }
> >>>>   ^{x ->   x + 1}
> >>>>
> >>>> Use a \ (from another thread)
> >>>>   \(x) { return x + 1; }
> >>>>   \{x ->   x + 1}
> >>>>
> >>>> (I'm not listing keywords that have been suggested elsewhere)
> >>>>
> >>>> Issues around typing the various characters on different keyboards
> >>>> have been raised.
> >>>>
> >>>> Once again, does anyone have a character they prefer more than one of
> >>>> the three above that they want to be considered? Remember, this isn't
> >>>> a vote, or a discussion thread, but a "gathering the options" thread.
> >>>>
> >>>> Stephen
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 20 June 2011 18:54, Stephen Colebourne<scolebourne at>
> wrote:
> >>>>> The four syntax families split into two types, those with a prefix
> >>>>> symbol and those without.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The prefix symbol is commonly mentioned as #:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> #(x) { return x + 1; }
> >>>>> #{x ->   x + 1}
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *** If you have a strong desire to see any symbol other than #
> >>>>> considered then please respond to this thread. ***
> >>>>>
> >>>>> - Your reply MUST specify the symbol
> >>>>> - Your reply MUST give a brief justification
> >>>>> - Your reply MUST repeat the two examples above using your preferred
> >>>> symbol
> >>>>> - You SHOULD try to ensure that your alternate symbol choice would
> >>>>> parse acceptably
> >>>>> - You MAY reply to suggest a keyword, however you should expect that
> >>>>> to be rejected
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thread rules:
> >>>>> - Only reply if you prefer your alternate symbol to #
> >>>>> - To discuss something, change the thread title
> >>>>> - Don't reply just to say "I don't want a prefix symbol"
> >>>>> - Responding with a symbol suggestion doesn't preclude your first
> >>>>> choice actually being "no prefix symbol"
> >>>>>
> >>>>> For example, my preferred choice of prefix symbol is #, thus I should
> >>>>> not respond to this thread!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Stephen
> >>>>> (this is an experiment to see if we can focus on one particular
> >>>>> discussion element at a time)
> >>>>>
> >>

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