Coin "reloaded" for lambda ?

Artur Biesiadowski abies at
Tue Jun 21 16:17:38 PDT 2011


There was discussion some time ago about how short lambdas will be with 
java language in real world. Some examples were given where simple 
concepts were being lost because of extra verbosity needed to handle 
equality/null safety etc.

Is there any chance that next incarnation of coin project (one going 
together with lambdas for java 8) could incorporate some changes which 
would actually allow writing shorted lambads in java?

I'm talking about elvis operators in particular. While I understand that 
they were rejected for 'normal' java usage, I think they could be very 
useful in helping with shorter lambda expressions. If we could get a set 
of collection operations which would be null aware (and skipping nulls 
instead of trying to preserve them), we probably can treat null as poor 
man None Option from scala.

?: is the same as getOrElse from scala.
?. would allow some of the collect/foreach/filter operations to be 
considerably simpler

It is still not solving many of the problems - following will not work

list.filter(x -> x?.getPerson()?.getAge() > 35)

list.filter(x -> x?.getState()?.isEnabled())

Another missing part is safe equals method call ( x == y || (x!=null && 
y!= null && x.equals(y) ). Can be easily emulated with static import and 
eq(x,y), so probably it is not a killer.

There might be some other possible improvements - my point is that maybe 
some previously rejected ideas could be reevaluated from the perspective 
of helping short lambdas.

True property support would also help a lot, but this is for sure out of 
scope for now...

With best regards,
Artur Biesiadowski

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