[gathering-options] Arrow symbol

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Wed Jun 22 07:35:46 PDT 2011

I would suggest also to include a multi-line example, such as:

   { int x, int y ->
     if (x > y)
         return x;
         return y;

On 6/22/2011 9:43 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> As Remi suggested, it makes sense to run a thread to suggest choices
> for the "arrow" symbol that is part of three of the four syntax
> families.
> - This thread is for GATHERING OPTIONS, not voting or discussing.
> - You should only suggest an option if you personally prefer it to the
> ->  or =>  symbol
> - You MUST include the two examples below converted to use your preferred symbol
> - Suggesting a symbol does not imply that you want any syntax with an
> arrow (ie. you can prefer strawman family, but suggest an arrow
> symbol)
> - Don't reply just to say "I don't want an arrow symbol"
> - Don't reply to propose a syntax that is completely different to one
> of the four syntax families
> Use ->
>    {x ->   x + 1}
>    (x) ->   {x + 1}
> Use =>
>    {x =>   x + 1}
>    (x) =>   {x + 1}
> Stephen

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