Inferring lambda parameter types in an argument position

Neal Gafter neal at
Fri Mar 4 11:16:09 PST 2011

Dear Lambda-

I'd like the lambda conversion to infer lambda parameter types even when the
lambda appears in an argument position and the underlying method is

For example, given

*interface Mapping<In, Out>
    Out map(In in);
interface IndexedMapping<In, Out>
    Out map(In in, int index);
interface Predicate<E>
    bool isSatisfied(E e);
interface MyList<E> {
    <U> MyList<U> map(Mapping<? super E, ? extends U> f) ...;
    <U> MyList<U> map(IndexedMapping<? super E, ? extends U> f) ...;
    MyList<E> filter(Predicate<? super E> p) ...

I would like to be able to write my lambdas with parameter types elided:
*MyList<X> list = ...;*
*MyList<Y> newList = list
    .map( #{ x -> new Y(x) } )
    .filter( #{ y -> y.IsFunny() } );*

This is all modulo syntax.  I'd prefer the syntax

*MyList<Y> newList = list
    .map( x -> new Y(x) )
    .filter( y -> y.IsFunny() );

but that is a discussion for another day (just let us know which day).


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