Compilation problem

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at
Fri Mar 4 15:37:38 PST 2011


I am compiling the latest version of the SDK from the Mercurial
repository and I get the following errors:

    [javac] Compiling 29 source files to
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         if (!Files.exists(path))
    [javac]                   ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method exists(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         if (!Files.exists(packageDir))
    [javac]                   ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method exists(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]                 Path name = dir.getFileName();
    [javac]                                ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method getFileName()
    [javac]   location: class Path
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]                 if (attrs.isRegularFile() &&
kinds.contains(getKind(file.getFileName().toString()))) {
    [javac]   symbol:   method getFileName()
    [javac]   location: class Path
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]                 if (Files.exists(f))
    [javac]                          ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method exists(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]                     if (Files.exists(file))
    [javac]                              ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method exists(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
no suitable method found for newFileSystem(Path,<null>)
    [javac]             fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(p, null);
    [javac]                             ^
    [javac]     method
FileSystems.newFileSystem(FileRef,Map<String,?>,ClassLoader) is not
    [javac]       (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
    [javac]     method
FileSystems.newFileSystem(URI,Map<String,?>,ClassLoader) is not
    [javac]       (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
    [javac]     method FileSystems.newFileSystem(URI,Map<String,?>) is
not applicable
    [javac]       (actual argument Path cannot be converted to URI by
method invocation conversion)
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         BasicFileAttributes attrs =
Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class);
    [javac]                                          ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method readAttributes(Path,Class<BasicFileAttributes>)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         return
    [javac]                                            ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method getFileName()
    [javac]   location: class Path
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         String pn = path.getFileName().toString();
    [javac]                         ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method getFileName()
    [javac]   location: class Path
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]                 return
    [javac]                                              ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method getFileName()
    [javac]   location: class Path
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         return Files.newInputStream(path);
    [javac]                     ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method newInputStream(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         return Files.newOutputStream(path);
    [javac]                     ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method newOutputStream(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]         return new
    [javac]                                            ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method newOutputStream(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]             return Files.getLastModifiedTime(path).toMillis();
    [javac]                         ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method getLastModifiedTime(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]             Files.delete(path);
    [javac]                  ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method delete(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]             return Files.isSameFile(path, other.path);
    [javac]                         ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method isSameFile(Path,Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] /Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/nio/
cannot find symbol
    [javac]             return Files.size(path);
    [javac]                         ^
    [javac]   symbol:   method size(Path)
    [javac]   location: class Files
    [javac] 18 errors

/Users/lov080/Downloads/MLVM/JDK7/langtools/make/build.xml:452: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 14 seconds

The JDK that I using for the compilation is from Stephen Bannasch and
dated 2011_01_11:

java (JVM) Version:
openjdk version "1.7.0-internal-fastdebug"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b03-fastdebug, mixed mode)

I also get the same errors with the 2011_02_24 build from Stephen. The
version of the SDK I am attempting to build is:

javac (SDK) Version:
changeset:   932:5aeda537bf98
tag:         tip
user:        mcimadamore
date:        Tue Mar 01 17:48:13 2011 +0000
summary:     Fix: wrong subtyping implementation for disjunctive types.

Looks like File might have gone missing!

Thanks for posting the regular improvements.

  -- Howard.

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