Extension vs defender methods

Llewellyn Falco isidore at setgame.com
Thu Nov 10 04:16:38 PST 2011

Everyone is using the term. Now to be fair, if you ask a rubist  about extension methods you will get a response about mix ins, ask a JavaScript person, you will hear about prototypes, but the understanding is uniform -- extension method == adding methods to a classes you don't own

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On Nov 10, 2011, at 3:37 AM, Patrick Wright <pdoubleya at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Llewellyn Falco <isidore at setgame.com> wrote:
>>> I wasn't arguing the goodness of the definition, only that it has been defined by the larger programming world, and not by Neal.
> The first three pages of a Google search on the term only turn up hits
> to the term as defined by Microsoft for C#. Who else is using this
> term? Which programming languages?

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