DA/DU changes

Tomasz Kowalczewski tomasz.kowalczewski at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 09:11:53 PST 2011


Will the DA/DU changes be applied to anonymous classes (and possibly
other places) or will be exclusive to lambda?
I was playing with the lambda prototype compiled from hg repo (not the
binary snapshot posted by Maurizio). When checking the DA/DU changes
made for lambda I did following:

// Compiles
Runnable run = () -> { run.run(); };

// org\tkowalcz\lambda\dadu\RunnableExaple.java:22: error: variable
run might not have been initialized
//				run.run();
//				^
//1 error

final Runnable run = new Runnable() {
	public void run() {

It seems inconsistent to me.

Tomasz Kowalczewski

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