Extension vs defender methods
"Zdeněk Troníček"
tronicek at fit.cvut.cz
Mon Nov 14 00:00:23 PST 2011
In addition, they are different on purpose. Interfaces define contracts
and abstract classes are classes that are intended to be subclassed.
Zdenek Tronicek
FIT CTU in Prague
Neal Gafter napsal(a):
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 1:08 AM, Llewellyn Falco
> <isidore at setgame.com>wrote:
>> the "standard" naming for interfaces w/non-abstract methods is: "an
>> abstract class"
> Abstract classes (but not interfaces) may have state, and interfaces (but
> not abstract classes) may be multiply inherited. So they are not the same
> thing.
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