Lambda expression as a succinct way to pass in type parameter

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Mon Nov 14 10:16:02 PST 2011

On 14/11/11 17:47, Rémi Forax wrote:
> On 11/14/2011 06:29 PM, Zhong Yu wrote:
>> Hi Brian, I think I have an interesting use case, but I need your
>> confirming that it's viable. Consider a method
>>       <T>   T foo() {...}
>> Suppose the body of foo() needs to know the runtime value of T, due to
>> erasure, we must pass in a construct containing the value of T
>>       <T>   T foo(TypeToken<T>   type) {...}
>>       interface TypeToken<T>
>>       {
>>           int f(int x); // not really used
>>       }
>> We can call foo() this way
>>       Bar result = foo(x->x);
>> The lambda expression x->x is compiled into an object of
>> TypeToken<Bar>, and the body of foo() can use reflection to retrieve
>> T=Bar.
>>       // equivalent code
>>       Bar result = foo(type);
>>       static TypeToken<Bar>   type = new TypeToken<Bar>(){ public int
>> f(int x){ return x; } }
>> Question: do you see anything wrong with this usage pattern? (other
>> than how odd it looks)
>> cheers,
>> Zhong Yu
> Interesting pattern but ...
> This may not work because at runtime the reflection will return a class
> that doesn't implements TypeToken<Bar>  but TypeToken
> because a lambda implementation may try to reuse the same class for
> several TypeToken.
> The idea is that the class that implements TypeToken will not be
> generated by the compiler
> but by the VM at runtime to avoid to generate boilerplate bytecodes on disc
> so the generation will occur after the erasure so Bar information will
> be lost.
> Rémi
Type-token solutions usually have a common pitfall - they work quite 
well for stuff like:


but not so well for:


I might be wrong - but it does seems to me that this one is no exception.


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