Fwd: toMap method in Collection

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Sun Nov 20 02:41:11 PST 2011

On 11/20/2011 03:46 AM, Llewellyn Falco wrote:
>> Presumably the result would be a multimap, not a map, as multiple values
>> could have the same key.  In .NET we call this method GroupBy.
> Strange, that's what we call it in SQL as well.
> Still, it bothers me that because of the choice to use defender
> methods, and not allow anyone other than oracle to create these
> methods this thread should spend time working on the API of
> collections. Trying to balance which methods will be useful to people
> vs. which methods are too obscure and will add clutter to the API.
> Either way, API design of collections shouldn't be part of the Lambda
> Language design, and it strikes me that part of the problem with
> defender methods is that it doesn't prevent the API design from
> entering into the conversation.

Designing a feature without use cases is a good way to screw up.
Designing a feature focusing only on use cases is a good way to screw up.

> --
> Llewellyn Falco
> www.approvaltests.com
> www.teachingkidsprogramming.org


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