differences between lambda binary vs. JSR 335 EDR

Tomasz Kowalczewski tomasz.kowalczewski at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 06:29:24 PST 2011

Thank you!

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore
<maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's a list of the main differences between the compiler
> implementation and the spec EDR:
> *) Compiler uses infix '#' instead of '::' for method reference syntax
> (15.28)
> i.e.
> SAM s1 = foo#bar;
> SAM s2 = Foo<String>#new;
> SAM s3 = new Bar()#<Z>baz;
> *) Compiler allows optional explicit argument types on method references
> (15.28)
> i.e.
> SAM s1 = foo#bar(String);
> SAM s2 = foo#new(Integer, List<String>);
> *) Compiler accepts a mix of explicit/implict types in lambda parameter
> declaration (15.27)
> SAM s1 = (int x1, x2)->x1 + x2;
> *) Compiler supports a slightly less powerful analysis for detecting
> effectively final variables that only applies to variables with an
> initializer (4.12.4)
> void m() {
>    int x;
>    x = 2;
>    SAM s = ()->x*2; //error
> }
> *) Generic lambdas are not supported/generic functional descriptors are
> not supported (15.27 and 9.8)
> interface SAM {
> <X, Y extends X> void m(X x, Y y);
> }
> SAM s = <U, V extends U>(x,y)->{};
> *) Target-typing for conditional expressions is not supported (15.25)
> SAM s = cond ? ()->true : ()->false; //error
> Maurizio

Tomasz Kowalczewski

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