hg: lambda/lambda/jdk: Update initial lambda APIs and tests to use new syntax.

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Sun Sep 11 04:52:59 PDT 2011

Hi all,
I've tried to fix some bugs of the current implementation of

- some constants are still public
   (BTW, when the compiler will be able to generate the correct bytecode
    for a lambda, these constants will be not needed any more
    because constant lambda will be constant by default)
- a lot of generic signature aren't right and there is inconsistency
   between the files.
- some casts are wrong, you can't  cast a Predicate<? super T> to
   a Predicate<T>, it's not safe.
- some methods return a Predicate<Object> instead of a
   Predicate<T> so it will not work if the predicate is used by example
   in a ?:
- some short cuts in the implementation are wrong (by example,
   testing if there is an element in an iterable before creating
   the lambda is wrong because the iterable can be populated
   before the lambda is called.
- fix some implementations, BTW I think the methods xor should be removed
   for the same reason there is no ^^ in C
   (nobody use xor in test between booleans)


On 09/10/2011 03:49 AM, stuart.marks at oracle.com wrote:
> Changeset: d9e4e3c106a7
> Author:    smarks
> Date:      2011-09-09 18:48 -0700
> URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/lambda/lambda/jdk/rev/d9e4e3c106a7
> Update initial lambda APIs and tests to use new syntax.
> ! src/share/classes/java/util/functions/Blocks.java
> ! src/share/classes/java/util/functions/Mappers.java
> ! src/share/classes/java/util/functions/Predicates.java
> ! src/share/classes/java/util/functions/Reducers.java
> ! test/java/util/Collection/Extensions.java
> ! test/java/util/Collection/MOAT.java
> ! test/java/util/List/Extensions.java
> ! test/java/util/functions/Block/BlocksTest.java
> ! test/java/util/functions/Mapper/MappersTest.java
> ! test/java/util/functions/Predicate/PredicatesTest.java
> ! test/java/util/functions/Reducer/ReducersTest.java

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