Effectively final

Steven Simpson ss at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Wed Sep 14 12:49:29 PDT 2011

On 14/09/11 19:46, blackbelt1999 wrote:
> Is there not a fundamental difference between the original code and 
> the new code, namely the original code creates a new thread of 
> execution while the new code does not?

Neither version creates a new thread.  The creation of a Runnable does 
not imply the creation of a new thread.

> >>      void foo(final Socket socket) {
> >>        new Runnable() {
> >>          boolean timedOut;
> >>          public void run() {
> >>            system.setTimeout(100, #{ timedOut = true; });
> >>            socket.onData(#{ if (!timedOut) System.out.println("Got 
> data"); });
> >>          }
> >>        }.run();
> >>      }

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